Design is everything

You may think of design as choosing hip colors, selecting up-to-date novelty fonts and sourcing eye-catching photos and graphics.

And you wouldn’t be wrong — except when it comes to designing for direct response.

Here, creative meets science — where visual, behavoral, emotional and technical come together.

Knowing how and when to use these strategies is critical to creating direct response that gets results, and why I — Dwight Ingram — am the leading designer in the country specializing in Direct Response Design and Creative.


To win consistently design is key, but it’s only half of the equation. Success depends on the offer, the product itself, and, great copy!

I partner with the industry’s best Direct Response copywriters. Masters of their craft, well known and successful in their own right. Put it all together and you have a proven team that will win consistently for you.

Want to win big on your next campaign?
Call today and put a proven creative team to work for you!

Dwight IngramCreative Director  |  IngramCS